SCM Gabbiani P/ PT

Beam Saw

  • Modular FLEXCUT system
  • Independent air table operation
  • Slotted pressure beam for maximising panel yield

The SCM Gabbiani P is a single blade horizontal beam saw powered through a PC/ PLC control system, designed for high volume processing of all types of wood-based panels, as well as plastics and oth...

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Product Information

  • Features
    • Modular FLEXCUT system
    • Independent air table operation
    • Slotted pressure beam for maximising panel yield
    • Automatic side alignment device
    • Floating panel clamps for maximum grip
    • Saw carriage with independent raise of the blades
    • Optional rear/ side loading
  • Description

    The SCM Gabbiani P is a single blade horizontal beam saw powered through a PC/ PLC control system, designed for high volume processing of all types of wood-based panels, as well as plastics and other advanced materials.

    Operation is controlled through SCM’s powerful Maestro software providing an intuitive operator interface and programming of all machine tasks, cutting list optimisation, predictive maintenance, production reporting, remote monitoring and much more.

    Selectable air blowing table:  allows the possibility to enable/disable the air blowing device on each table section via independent motors, ensuring optimal sliding of the panels only where it is needed and avoids accidental falling of cut panels temporarily stored on the tables.

    Saw carriage with independent raise of the blades: essential tool for machining post-formed panels in order to optimise cycle-time machine and enhance cut finish.

    FLEXCUT unit: incomparable flexibility and productivity. Increasing of productivity up to 30% and space saving up to 20% owing to the simultaneous execution of both rip and cross cuts.

    Floating clamps: the guarantee of the end result. The special shape of the clamps allows safe grip of panels at the maximum speed and perfect parallelism even when panels are not perfectly flat.

    The standard Gabbiani P model is a front-loaded machine. Rear/ side loading is an option with the Gabbiani PT model. One or more preloading conveyors allow uninterrupted running of the saw.

    Further options can be configured for grooving, postforming, aperture cutting, optimised blade height setting and blade lubrication cooling (for cutting non-metal materials), to name a few.

  • Specification
    • Cutting length 3300/ 3800/ 4300 mm
    • Blade projection 60/ 80 mm
    • Main blade diameter 300/ 340 mm
    • Scoring blade diameter 200 mm
    • Number of panel clamps 5 (standard)
    • Main motor 7/ 9 kW
    • Scoring motor 1.3 kW
    • Power 3 phase
  • Literature
  • Important information

    Our suppliers have a policy of continuous product development and improvement, specifications are therefore subject to change without notice. We can accept no liability for discrepancies in specifications or illustrations contained in our publications or the publications of our suppliers.

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