Kimla BlackBird Desktop

CNC Router

  • 3 axis machining
  • Configure with router and/ or oscillating knife
  • Optional full safety enclosure

The Kimla BlackBird (Desktop) CNC Router is very compact making it suitable for Educational establishments, sign makers and woodworkers for the machining of cardboard, plastic, wood, MDF, Plywood, ...

Full description and features

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Product Information

  • Features
    • 3 axis machining
    • Configure with router and/ or oscillating knife
    • Optional full safety enclosure
    • Space saving desk top version
    • Dynamic Vector Analysis (DVA) system for smooth regulation of the feed speed
    • Aluminium T-slot table
    • Each machine custom built to individual requirements
    • AC digital servo motors
    • Automatic tool length sensor and Z axis calibration
  • Description

    The Kimla BlackBird (Desktop) CNC Router is very compact making it suitable for Educational establishments, sign makers and woodworkers for the machining of cardboard, plastic, wood, MDF, Plywood, aluminium and other non-ferrous metals.

    All BlackBird machines feature the Dynamic Vector Analysis Control System – a unique algorithm developed by Kimla processing 15,000 lines of G-code per second resulting in smooth regulation of the feed speed and spindle rotation.

    Precision ground and hardened helical rack drives (for the Y axis), ballscrews (for the X and Z axis) and all optical sensors are fully enclosed minimising cleaning and maintenance and increasing machine life.

    Kimla machines are built to the highest standards using heaving duty steel frames, precision ground for maximum stability and accuracy.

    As standard the machine is equipped with Automatic Tool Length Correction – the machine physically measures the tool length after each tool change to compensate for wear and avoid any tooling collisions by operator error.

  • Specification
    • Number of axes 3
    • X axis movement 500/ 700/ 1000 mm
    • Y axis movement 500/ 700/ 1000/ 1200 mm
    • Z axis movement 150/ 200 mm
    • Speed of movement, max. 300 mm/sec
    • Router head power 2 kW
    • Power 1 phase
  • Literature
  • Important information

    Our suppliers have a policy of continuous product development and improvement, specifications are therefore subject to change without notice. We can accept no liability for discrepancies in specifications or illustrations contained in our publications or the publications of our suppliers.

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